Matière | cellulose |
Genre | grade 603 |
Longueur | 80mm |
Diamètre interne | 22mm |
Epaisseur | 1.5mm |
Fabricant | Whatman |
0 produit(s) 0,00 €
- (open)Verrerie de laboratoire
- (open)Equipements de laboratoire
- (open)Flaconnage
- (open)Materiel de laboratoire
- (open)Filtration
- (open)Ensemble verrerie
- (open)Produits chimiques
- absorbant
- acetaldehyde
- acetamide
- acetanilide
- acetone
- acetonitrile
- acetophenone
- acetyl
- acetyl
- acide
- acridine
- acridine
- acriflavine
- acrylamide
- acrylonitrile
- adipoyl
- adrenaline
- agar
- alanine
- albumine
- alcool
- alizarine
- allylthiouree
- alpha terpineol
- alphazurine
- alumine
- aluminium
- amaranthe
- amberlite
- amidon
- amino methyl propanol
- aminoantipyrine
- aminomethane
- aminophenol
- ammoniaque
- ammonium
- amyle acetate
- amylopectine
- anhydride
- aniline
- anisole
- anthracene
- anthraquinone
- antimoine
- antimousse
- arabinose
- argent
- arsenazo
- arsenic
- atropine
- auramine
- aurine
- autres
- azobisisobutyronitrile
- baryum
- bathophenanthroline
- bentonite
- benzaldehyde
- benzalkonium
- benzamide
- benzanilidie
- benzene
- benzenetetracarboxylic
- benzethonium
- benzidine
- benzile
- benzoine
- benzonitrile
- benzophenone
- benzopurpurin
- benzoyle
- benzyl
- beta
- biphenyl
- bismarck
- bismuth
- blanc de meudon
- bleu
- borax
- bore
- brij
- brome
- bromobenzene
- bromobutane
- bromoforme
- bromonaphtalene
- bromonitrobenzene
- bromopropane
- bromosulfaleine
- bromotoluene
- butanediol
- butanol
- butanone
- butyl
- butylaniline
- butyryle
- cadmium
- cafeine
- calceine
- calcium
- calcon
- camphre
- carbazole
- carbone
- carborundum
- carboxyfluorescein
- carboxymethylcellulose
- carmin
- caseine
- cerium
- cesium
- charbon
- chaux
- chloral
- chloramine
- chloro butane
- chloro ethanol
- chloro ethyl
- chloro methylbutane
- chloro methylpropane
- chloro methylpropanol
- chloro nitrobenzene
- chlorobenzene
- chloroforme
- cholesterol
- chrome
- chromotrope
- cire
- citral
- citronellole
- clarcel
- cobalt
- coccine
- colchicine
- colle
- collodion
- colophane
- colophane
- colorant
- creatinine
- cresyl
- cuivre
- cupferron
- cyclohexane
- cyclohexanone
- cyclohexene
- desinfectant
- detergent
- diaminoacridine
- dichloroethylene
- dichlorofluoresceine
- dichloroindophenol
- dichloromethane
- dichloromethyl
- dichloronitrobenzene
- dichloroquinone
- diethyl
- dihydroxynaphtalene
- dimethoxybenzidine
- dimethyl
- dinitrobenzene
- dinitrophenylhydrazine
- dioxane
- dioxolane
- diphenyl
- dithiothreitol
- dithizone
- dithizone
- dodecanol
- dolomie
- dopamine
- E.D.T.A
- E.G.T.A.
- eau
- eosine
- eriochrome
- erythrosine
- essence
- etain
- ethane
- ethanol
- ether
- ethidium
- ethoxyethanol
- ethyl
- ethylene
- ethynyl cyclohexanol
- fer
- flavazine
- flavazine
- fluoresceine
- fluoresceine
- formaldehyde
- formol
- fructose
- fuchsine
- fuschine
- gadolinium
- galactose
- gallium
- gallocyanine
- gel de silice
- gel Sephadex
- glucose
- glutarzaldehyde
- glycerine
- glycerol
- glycine
- glycol
- graisse
- hematoxyline
- heptane
- hexane
- hexanedione
- hexanetriol
- hexanol
- hexene
- huile
- hyamine
- hydrazine
- hydrindantine
- hydrobenzoine
- hydrogene
- hydroxyanilose butile (BHA)
- hydroxybenzaldehyde
- hydroxylamine
- hydroxyquinoleine
- hydroxytoluene butyle (BHT)
- indicateur
- inositol
- iode
- iodobutane
- iodosuccinimide
- isobutyle
- isoeugenol
- isopentyle
- isopropyl
- jaune
- juglon
- kaolin
- lactose
- lanoline
- lanthane
- liant acrylique
- limonene
- liqueur
- liquide
- liquide thermal
- lithium
- lysine
- magnesium
- maltose
- manganese
- mannitol
- melange
- mercapoethanol
- mercaptobenzothiazole
- mercure
- methanol
- methoxyethanol
- methoxyethylether
- methyl
- methylene
- molybdene
- mordant
- napht
- neocuproine
- nepheline
- nettoyant
- nickel
- nigrosine
- ninhydrine
- nitro
- or
- orange
- palladium
- papaine
- paracetamol
- pentanol
- pepsine
- phenacetine
- phenanthroline
- phenolphtaleine
- phenyl
- phloxine
- phosphore
- picoline
- piperazine
- platre
- plomb
- polyethylene glycol
- polyvinyle
- polyvinyle
- ponce
- potassium
- pourpre
- primuline
- propanediol
- propanetriol
- propanol
- propyl
- pyridine
- reactif
- resorcinol
- ribose
- rouge
- sable
- saccharine
- saccharose
- safran
- sel
- silice
- sodium
- solution
- solvant
- sorbitan
- sorbitol
- soudan
- soufre
- strontium
- sueur
- suif
- sulfamide
- talc
- tampon pH
- teinture
- terebenthine
- terre
- tetra-
- tetrabromoethane
- tetrahydrofurane
- thallium
- thioacetamide
- threonine
- thymol
- tiron
- titane
- toluene
- trehalose
- tributyl
- trichloroethylene
- triethanolamine
- triethyl-
- trimethyl
- tungstene
- tween
- uree
- vanadium
- vaniline
- vert
- violet
- xylene
- xylenol
- xylose
- yterbium
- yttrium
- zinc
- zirconium
- (open)Hygiène propreté et sécurité
- Accueil
- Matériel de laboratoire
- cartouche
- - Cartouche d'extraction de soxhlet en cellulose,diametre 22 mm longueur 80 mm epaisseur 1,5 mm, 25 ca
48H à 72H
Si les articles sont en stock
Verrerie Villeurbannaise
200 Rue Leon Blum
69100 Villeurbanne
Paiement sécurisé
Banque Populaire
200 Rue Léon Blum
69100 Villeurbanne
Copyright © Kalitys - Infos légales

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